370 Campus Dr. | Arcadia, CA 91007

USC Arcadia Hospital Annual Community Health Fair

Invitation to USC Arcadia Hospital Annual Community Health Fair

USC Arcadia Hospital (formerly Methodist Hospital of Southern California) invites you to join them for their annual free health screening event, sponsored by Keck Medicine of USC. On Sunday, October 20th, from 8:00 AM to 11:30 AM, USC Arcadia Hospital will provide a wide range of screenings, including blood tests, physical exams, and consultations with physicians, dietitians, and mental health professionals. There's no charge for this event, and we'll provide refreshments, snacks, and free gifts. To learn more or to reserve your spot, please contact USC Arcadia Hospital at 626-821-2388 or visit uscarcadiahospital.org.

Event Details

USC Arcadia Hospital Annual Community Health Fair

About This Event

  • Event Type:Community Outreach Events

USC Arcadia Hospital and BLIA Arcadia Subchapter will cosponsor this event.

We will be providing:

  • Health Screenings (Blood Test,Stroke & Thyroid Screening, Bone Density Screening and others)
  • PhysicianConsultations
  • Medi-Cal & Social Program Resources Booth
  • Refreshments & Snacks
  • FreeGifts

There is no charge for this event.

Click here or the image to view, save, or print the flyer.